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The Mandate of Heaven 

© 1998 The 3DO Company. All rights reserved. New World Computing, the New World Computing logo, Might and Magic, 
and the Might and Magic logo, are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of The 3DO Company. All other trademarks 
belong to their respective owners. New World Computing is a division of The 3DO Company. 

Getting Started 

After the introduction sequence (which can be skipped by pressing Escape) you will be 
at the Main Menu. Click on New Game to start a new game. After you read the story, 
you have the option of creating a new party (Create Party) or quick starting (Quick Start) 
with the pregenerated party. You will begin your adventure right outside New Sorpigal. 

Character Creation 

If you choose to create your own party, you will go to the Create Party screen. From 
here you can choose to change the portrait, name, class, statistics, and skills of each 
member of your party. Right-click on any skill, class, or statistic to get information on it. 

Portrait - Click on the left and right arrows next to the portrait to change faces. 

Class - Select the profession for the highlighted character in the lower left section of the 
Create Party screen. Changing a character’s class will change their starting statistics and 
skills, and will cancel any previous changes made to that character’s statistics. 

Name - Click on the character’s name to enter a new name. 

Statistics - Clicking the + and - will change the statistic currently selected by the mark- 
ers up or down one point. You may reduce a statistic to two points below its original 
starting level, or raise it to a maximum of 25. You begin with 50 points, each point you 
subtract adds to that total, and each point you add removes one from that total. You must 
spend all points to continue. 

Change Skills - Each character begins with two skills determined by their class. You 
must then choose two more skills from the list in the lower center for that character. The 
choices for these extra skills are also based on what class the character is. All characters 
must have four skills (two predetermined by class, two selected by you) to continue. 

Your party will begin right outside the gates of New Sorpigal with a small amount of 
gold and a few items. Don’t forget to equip your party with their starting equipment, and 
to have the magic using characters study their initial spells. You may also notice that 
you are carrying an important letter. Perhaps there is someone in town that would be 
interested to see it... 

New World Computing 


Characlcr Information Screen 





Condition and 
Quick Spell 

Toted Experience 

Unused Skill Points 

Melee and 





Exit Character 


Pressing the R key or clicking on the rest button will bring up the rest screen. From here, 
you can either rest for the night or allow time to pass. 

Rest and Heal 8 Hours - Uses the amount of food shown next to the apple in that line. 
'This will allow 8 hours to pass and all characters will gain their full hit points and spell 
points back. It is possible for creatures to interrupt your sleep and attack you. You can 
rest safely at any inn. 

Wait until dawn - This allows time to advance to 6:00 AM. Characters do not regain hit 
points or spell points, or use food when resting. 

Wait 1 hour - This allows time to advance 1 hour. You do not gain hit points or spell 
points back from waiting. 

Wait 5 minutes - This allows time to advance 5 minutes. You do not gain hit points or 
spell points back while waiting. 

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) 

Not all people you meet are hostile, some are more than willing to share stories and 
rumors with you, or may even join your party. When you talk to an NPC, your fame and 
reputation are factored into how the person treats you. They may be quite friendly with 
you, or refuse to talk at all. 

If they refuse to talk, you may have the option to Beg, Threaten, or Bribe them. Forcing 
them to talk to you by using any of these three methods will hurt your reputation. 

You can hire almost anyone to join your party, up to a maximum of two people at any 
one time. These people may even be able to perform services for your party. 

Some NPC’s will automatically join you and will not count against the two person limit. 

Miglit and Magic® \T 

Character Creation Screen 



Points Box 

OK Button 
(Start the Game) 

Selected Stat 

Class ” 
Selection Box 

Available Skills Box 

Options Screen 

Pressing Escape or clicking on the Game Options button while playing will bring up the 
Options Screen. From here you can access your file options (New Game, Load Game, 
and Save Game), change your Controls, Quit the Game, and Resume Game. 

Resume Game - Return to playing Might and Magic VI. 

New Game - Abandon the current game of Might and Magic VI, and restart with a new 
party of characters. Note: This does not save the current game. 

Save Game - Click on the slot you wish to save to, enter a save filename, and click the 
check mark. 

Controls - You may adjust your music, sound, and character voice volume. You may 
adjust the graphical detail level between low, medium, and high. Your turn rate may be 
adjusted between 16 facings, 32 facings, and smooth. Finally, you can toggle walking 
sounds and show damage on and off. 

Load Game - Click on the saved game you wish to load, then click the check mark. The 
first game on the list is the autosave, which saves your game each time you exit a level. 

Quit - Exit Might and Magic VI and return to the Main Menu. Note: This does not save 
the current game. 

Character Information 

Statistics are presented as two numbers, the current and the maximum. The current 
shows the statistic after all affects (spells, items, temporary bonuses, etc.) are added in. 
It is possible for the current to be much higher or lower than the maximum. An average 
statistic is 13, conferring neither a bonus nor a penalty. For information on any of the 
statistics, right-click on them. 

For Customer Support call (650) 261-5454 M-F 9am - Noon, 2pm - 5 pm (PST) 

Game Screen 

i um 

Mode Indicator 

Active Spells 

Notes, Maps, 
and Events 

Food and 

Cast Spell, Rest. 
Quick Reference, 
and Game Options 

Fly Spell 

Automap and 



Angel Spell 


Walking Spell 

Bless, Heroism, 
Haste, Shield, and 
Stone Skin spells 

Combat Tips 

In your travels you will encounter numerous hostile people and creatures. You must be 
prepared to defend yourself when diplomacy fails. Here are a few tips for combat: 

- Make sure that each character has the best weapon, armor, and shield equipped. If the 
armor is in your backpack, it is not doing you any good. 

- Large battles are much easier to handle in turn based mode. Press Enter as soon as you 
see an enemy creature and scope out the terrain and the odds. Count up the number of 
creatures you are facing and check their hit points by right-clicking on them. 

- Use ranged weapons and spells to weaken enemies from a distance. 

- Keep track of how damaged your party members are, if someone’s health drops to 50% 
or less, heal them. If your party seems like it might lose the fight, run (hold down shift 
with the directional keys. Remember, you must be in real time mode to move). 

- Make sure each spell caster has their most useful spell set as the Quick Spell. You may 
need to change this depending on where or what you are fighting. To change the 
quick spell, go to the spellbook, select the spell, then click on the “hand icon” tab at the 
bottom of the book. 

- Certain conditions, such as weakness or disease, can adversely affect your characters. 
Make sure to keep your condition “good” as much as possible. Visit a temple to rid 
yourself of negative conditions. Be warned, the cost for healing is partly based on how 
long you have been afflicted. 

New World Computing 



Opens the Game 
Options Menu 
and exits screens 

Opens the Current 
Quests Book 

Cycle through 

Attack - if a hostile creature is 
visible, the selected character will 
attack it with his/her readied melee 
weapon, otherwise the character 
will fire his/her readied missle 
weapon. If there is no creautre, or 
the character does not have the 
appropriate weapon, the character 
will pass 

Cast Quick Spell - if the" 

spell requires a target, then 
the nearest creature will 
automatically be selected as 
the target, otherwise the 
mouse cursor will change to 
the crosshairs and you will 
need to select the target 

Selects a character. 
Pressing the number 
again will view the 

Switches between 
full screen and 

Fly up 
( only while 

IxK)k down 

Center view 

Zoom out on 
the automap 

Zoom in on 
the automap 

Cast New Spell - this will 

open the character’s spell book 
and allow you to choose the 
spell you wish them to cast. 
Click on the spell to highlight it, 
then click on it again to cast it 
or click on the Set Quick Spell 
icon at the bottom of the book to 
set that spell as the Quick Spell 

Toggle between 
turn-based and 
real-time modes 

Directional Arrows - 
these control your 

Activate objects 
and search bodies 


( with directional arrow) 


Mouse Shoi*tcuts 

Pick up item 
Drop item 
Use item 
Equip item 
Give item 
Item details 
General Info 

Click on the item 

Click on Game Screen while holding item 
Click on large portrait with item as the pointer 
Click on large portrait with item as the pointer 
Click on portrait with item as the pointer 
Right-click on item 



Cast readied spell 
Use item 

Read Book/Scroll 
Give Item 
Create Potion 
Mix Potion 

Click on valid target 

Control-click on valid target 

Right-click on portrait with item as the pointer 

Right-click on portrait with item as the pointer 

Press character # while holding item 

Right-click on empty bottle with herb as the pointer 

Right-click on potion with potion as the pointer 

Note: The large portrait is the figure of the character in the inventory screen. 
The portrait is the face in the Game Screen. 

Note: If using an item with a shortcut causes the target to be invalid, then the pointer 
will change to a crosshair to allow you to select a valid target. 

Mi^t and Magic® VI 

I^or Customer Support call (650) 261-3454 M-F 9am - Noon, 2pm - 5 pm (PST)